101 Tunturilappi Oy
The company 101 Tunturilappi Oy is located at Ivalontie 1433, 99650 SATTANEN
The company AH-LAATU OY is located at Ivalontie 1647, 99650 SATTANEN
Entisöintiliike Arvopahka Oy
The company Entisöintiliike Arvopahka Oy is located at Ivalontie 1431, 99650 SATTANEN
Hallikiinteistöt Norberg Oy
The company Hallikiinteistöt Norberg Oy is located at Puljunharjuntie 97, 99650 SATTANEN
J. Kuukasjärvi Oy
The company J. Kuukasjärvi Oy is located at Sieriläntie 13, 99650 SATTANEN
J. Norberg Oy
The company J. Norberg Oy is located at Puljunharjuntie 97, 99650 SATTANEN
Jasimo Oy
The company Jasimo Oy is located at Ketoranta 11, 99650 SATTANEN
Jbus Oy
The company Jbus Oy is located at Sattasentie 378, 99650 SATTANEN
JMS-Kiinteistöt Oy
The company JMS-Kiinteistöt Oy is located at Ketoranta 11, 99650 SATTANEN
Lääkäriasema Manuel Oy
The company Lääkäriasema Manuel Oy is located at Ivalontie 1433, 99650 SATTANEN
Lapin Talo ja Uunimuuraus Oy
The company Lapin Talo ja Uunimuuraus Oy is located at ivalontie 1377, 99650 SATTANEN
Moreenityö Mäcklin Oy
The company Moreenityö Mäcklin Oy is located at Ketoranta 11, 99650 SATTANEN
Olkro Oy
The company Olkro Oy is located at Lampelantie 4, 99650 SATTANEN
Rakennuspalvelu Oula Autio Oy
The company Rakennuspalvelu Oula Autio Oy is located at Korusmäenraitti 4, 99650 SATTANEN
Sattasen kuituosuuskunta
The company Sattasen kuituosuuskunta is located at Kaltioaavantie 13, 99650 SATTANEN
Sattasen Maansiirto Oy
The company Sattasen Maansiirto Oy is located at Sattaskuja 1, 99650 SATTANEN
Sompion Kaluste Oy
The company Sompion Kaluste Oy is located at Vertilänkuja 15, 99650 SATTANEN
Urakointi S. Siirtola Oy
The company Urakointi S. Siirtola Oy is located at Kyynäskieppi 8, 99650 SATTANEN
Varistan Oy
The company Varistan Oy is located at Sattaskuja 8, 99650 SATTANEN